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Attractions in Murchison Falls - Areas of Interest

Murchison Falls

Murchison Falls is characterized by eternal war between rock and water. The waters violently compress through a narrow gorge, spraying misty droplets along their wake over a 50m radius. This creates a permanent rainbow over the battlefield and causes a continuous roar…

Attractions in Murchison Falls

Karuma Falls

These roaring waterfalls on the Victoria Nile are made up of a series of natural rock formations which cause the waters to ripple and give them a white, foamy appearance…

Attractions in Murchison Falls

Budongo Eco Forest

Budongo Eco Forest is considered a birders’ paradise because of the endangered species found here. Likewise, is ideal for educational tours as it provides opportunities to identify animals, birds, medicinal plants and trees…

Attractions in Murchison Falls

Buligi Area

The Buligi game tracks, stretching between the Victoria and Albert Niles, are the Murchison Falls National Park’s most popular safari destination. In addition, most of the park’s game can be viewed here, especially during early morning and early evening tours..

Attractions in Murchison Falls