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Nature Walks in Murchison Falls; Tourists get to explore the wild on foot while in Murchison Falls Conservation area. There is a trail at Paraa winds throughout low hills, gullies and forest around the river. Of course, Nature walks happen at top of the falls, KaniyoPabidi and Rabongo Forest. Rabongo Forest Ecotourism Centre is located in an island of tropical river forest in the south-east of the conservation area. Additionally, savannah grasslands surround the forest.

Furthermore, Kanio Pabidi is a serene area of natural forest within Budongo Forest Reserve, where you can walk beneath mature Mahogany and ironwood trees. You certainly see many forest birds including the Chocolate backed Kingfisher, the White-thighed Hornbill, and Puvell’s  Illadopsis found nowhere else in East Africa! Kaniyo Pabidi is on the Masindi – Paraa road, 8 kms from Kichumbanyobo gate.